Open to Pharmacists and Technicians
Date: Thursday, March 2, 2022
Time: 1 – 5 p.m.
Location (In Person): Loma Linda University, Centennial Complex, 4th Floor - Map
ACPE Credit: Accredited for 4.0 contact hour (see below for instructions on how to claim credit)
“In 2020, drug overdose was the leading cause of injury-related death in the United States. Of those deaths, nearly 75% involved a prescription or elicit opioid.” (CDC, 2021) This interprofessional workshop examines causes and manifestations of substance use disorders along with the various roles involved in the management of these individuals. Small group discussions and a live demonstration will guide participants in their approach to communication and screening of substance use disorders. In addition, an interprofessional panel and group case discussions will illustrate and inspire collaboration in managing these situations.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this application-based course pharmacists and pharmacy technicians should be able to:
- Illustrate how to approach and provide treatment for those persons with substance use disorders (SUDs).
- Recognize the intricacies of interprofessional communication when treating persons with substance use disorders (SUDs).
- Discuss how various professions manage and collaborate when treating persons with substance use disorders (SUDs).
Claim your CPE Credit
To obtain 4.0 contact hour of continuing pharmacy education credit (0.4 CEU), participants must participate in the live activities, and log on to the CEimpact website to complete the evaluation.
- Click on https://learn.ceimpact.com and login to CEImpact.
- If you are new to the site, click on Create an account before logging in.
- Enter the course code (provided at the end of the lecture) in the text box on the left of the screen and click Submit.
- Click on My Courses (on the left of the screen) to locate the course.
- Click on the course title to access the course.
- Complete the evaluation as prompted and click Submit.
- The course will move to the Completed tab under My Courses.
- The CPE Statement of Credit will be available on CPE Monitor, www.MyCPEMonitor.net.

CEimpact is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
0107-9999-23-007-L01-T | 0.4 CEUs/4.0 Hrs.
Live Date: March 2, 2023
Live Expiration: April 1, 2023
Faculty Disclosure: Faculty members have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.
Course Format: Live
Financial Support: None
Course Fee: This course is available for $50.00, and $20.00 for LLU faculty, students are free
Continuing Education for Other Professions
Loma Linda University Medical Center Office of Staff Development is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. LLUMC Office of Staff Development maintains responsibility for this program and its contents. This event meets the qualifications for 3.75 hours of continuing education credit for psychologists as required by the American Psychological Association.
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Staff Development is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 00239, this program is approved for 3.75 contact hours.
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Staff Development is a Continuing Professional Education Accredited Provider with the Commission on Dietetic Registration. Registered dietitians and dietetic technicians, registered will receive 37.5 continuing professional education units for completion of this program.
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Staff Development is recognized as a Continuing Competency Approving Agency by the Physical Therapy Board of California. This program is approved for 3.75 CE credits
This course meets the qualifications for 37.5 hours of continuing professional development credit for Speech-Language Pathologists as required by the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board, provider #PDP42
Respiratory Care Practitioners reciprocate with provider number 00239
Occupational Therapists reciprocate with PDP#42
Behavioral Health Professionals reciprocate with APA
The Department of Clinical Laboratory Science at Loma Linda University is an approved accrediting agency for the California Department of Public Health. This course has been approved by Loma Linda University-SAHP- Clinical Lab Science, Loma Linda CA Provider #0026 for 3.75 CEU.
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Staff Development is a designated provider of Category I continuing education contract hours for health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.
The NCHEC Multiple Event Provider (MEP) number is 105816. This event will be available for 3.75 (CHES and MCHES) credit hours.
The Loma Linda University School of Public Health is a pre-approved provider of CPH recertification credits by the National Board of Public Health Examiners. This event will earn 3.75 recertification credits.
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Staff Development provider #180 is accredited by the California Accreditation of Pharmacy Education (CAPE) as a recognized provider of continuing pharmacy education. Pharmacists completing this course prior to 03/02/2026 may receive 3.75 credits
Continuing Dental Education: This course meets the Dental Board of California’s requirement for 4 units of continuing education.
Continuing Medical Education: Pending approval