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Loma Linda University is located in the city of Loma Linda, California, in San Bernardino County. Just off the Interstate 10 freeway at Anderson Avenue, travel south on Anderson Avenue to run immediately into the campus.
The School of Pharmacy is located in the newly remodeled Shryock Hall, on Stewart Street, just south of the Centennial Complex building.
Parking structures and lots are designated for faculty and staff parking only and are regularly patrolled by LLU security staff. On-street parking in the vicinity of Shryock Hall may be available for visitors. Please pay strict attention to time limitations and/or other restrictions.
Recommended parking for the School of Pharmacy is Lot X at the very north end of Campus Street, just behind the Centennial Complex building. (See campus map.)
Shryock HallLoma Linda University
24745 Stewart St.
Loma Linda, CA 92350