Residency Presentation

Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. 
Location: Live via Zoom
ACPE Credit: Accredited for 1.0 contact hour (see below for instructions on how to claim credit)

Register here


Caleb McLeod, PharmD
Infectious Disease Pharmacy Fellow
Loma Linda University

Caleb is from Elsberry, Missouri. He completed his Bachelor of Arts in Biology at Saint Louis University. He then completed his Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Doctor of Pharmacy at St. Louis College of Pharmacy.  He did his PGY1 at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois.  His infectious disease interests include antimicrobial resistance and stewardship. Outside of pharmacy, Caleb enjoys playing video and board games, reading, cooking, and chatting with his family.

Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this application-based course pharmacists should be able to:

  1. Identify pathogens at high risk for induction or derepression of AmpC beta-lactamase (AmpC) and clinically relevant AmpC mediated resistance

  2. Describe the potential for the induction of AmpC expression and the affinity for ampC enzymes of commonly utilized beta-lactams and beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations

  3. Distinguish AmpC mediated resistance from other betalactamase mediated resistance mechanisms

  4. Design an antimicrobial regimen for the treatment of pathogens exhibiting or at risk for clinically relevant AmpC mediated resistance

Claim your CPE Credit

To obtain 1.0 contact hour of continuing pharmacy education credit (0.1 CEU), participants must participate in the live activities, and logon to the CEimpact website to complete the exam and evaluation.

  1. Go to and login to CEImpact
  2. If you are new to the site, click on Create an account before logging in.
  3. Enter the course code (provided at the end of the lecture) in the text box on the left of the screen and click Submit.
  4. Click on My Courses (on the left of the screen) to locate the course.
  5. Click on the course title to access the course.
  6. Complete the exam and evaluation as prompted and click Submit.
  7. The course will move to the Completed tab under My Courses.
  8. The CPE Statement of Credit will be available on CPE Monitor,

ACPELOGOCEimpact is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. 

UAN: 0107-9999-22-218-L01-P  |  0.1 CEUs/1.0 Hrs.

Live Date: June 21, 2022

Live Expiration: July 21, 2022

Faculty Disclosure: Caleb McLeod has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Activity Format: Live 

Financial Support: None

Course Fee: None