
What is the minimum GPA required for admission to the PharmD program?

The preferred minimum for both cumulative and cumulative science/math GPA is 2.75.

Is a baccalaureate degree required for admission?

No. Applicants without a bachelor's degree must complete a specified number of units in social & behavioral sciences; humanities and fine arts; and English composition as a required minimum.

Do you have a rolling admissions policy?

Yes, we review completed applications and accept students on a continual basis from September through July.

Is pharmacy experience required?

While it is not a requirement, it is highly recommended that an applicant obtain paid or volunteer pharmacy experience.

When do I need to complete my prerequisite courses?

The prerequisites need to be completed by the end of Spring term of the year you plan to enroll.

I repeated a course. Do you count both grades in calculating my GPA?

Yes, we count the grades received for all courses taken at the post-secondary level.

Is the PCAT or GRE required?

No, we do not require any standardized test.

I already have a baccalaureate degree. Do I still need to complete all the prerequisites?

Yes, all applicants must complete all the prerequisites regardless of degree or major before entrance into our PharmD program.

Must I have all the prerequisite courses completed before I apply?

No, but you must have a plan in place that allows you to complete all prerequisite coursework and entrance requirements by the end of Spring quarter/semester prior to entering our program. Applicants who have done academic work in countries outside of the U.S. must have all prerequisites completed at a two or four-year regionally accredited U.S. institution. The approved academic record evaluation for foreign transcripts will still be required as supplemental material for evaluating the potential for success of that student.

I have already enrolled in a professional pharmacy program. Am I eligible to transfer?

LLUSP accepts transfer students into the PY2 year only. Certain criteria must be met to qualify for transfer to LLUSP. For more information, contact the Admissions Office at or call 909-558-1300.

Do you give preference to residents of California or from California colleges?

No, although a significant portion of our student body is from California, this is merely a reflection of our overall applicant pool.

Do I need to submit transcripts that have courses that are unrelated to the pharmacy prerequisites?

Official academic transcripts are required from all colleges and universities you have attended regardless of whether or not it applies to your prerequisite coursework. All transcripts must be submitted directly to PharmCAS.

My course plan has changed, must I notify your office of these changes?

Yes, since we consider your complete academic performance in evaluating your application, you must inform us of your current and planned course schedules--even courses that are not pharmacy prerequisites. Please e-mail us at for schedule changes. You must also notify us immediately if you are not receiving a baccalaureate degree as anticipated.


Is there an advantage to applying early?

Yes, we do our primary review of files as they are received and completed. Early applicants have the advantage of having a greater number of interview openings still available. Remember, we have a rolling admissions policy.

How many letters of recommendation do I need, and from whom?

We require a minimum of two (2) letters of recommendation.

How do I withdraw my application?

If you need to withdraw your application, please notify us as soon as possible by sending an email to with your intent to withdraw and the reason.

When will I know if I will be invited for an interview?

We will review your application you should hear back from our Office of Admissions within a week of submission.

What if I have a change of address or telephone number?

You should email our office at of all changes to mailing and email addresses, and phone numbers.

Financial Aid

What is the cost of tuition?

Get details on the standard cost of attendance at LLU. View Estimates

Do you have any scholarships available for students?

Yes, we do! LLUSP offers scholarships to students that meet specific criteria. The qualification and application process varies. Visit our Finances Page to learn more.

What are your options for financial aid?

We know that you and your family have lots of questions on how you will cover your expenses here at Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy. Our financial aid website is designed to provide you with information about the financial aid process and how to make your education affordable. Learn more about Financial Aid.

Is housing and food included in the tuition?

No, our costs include tuition, fees, books, and supplies. 

International Students

Can international students apply?

Yes, we do consider International Students. All international coursework must be evaluated by World Education Services and is reviewed by LLUSP Admissions on a case-by-case basis.

I have completed coursework outside of the United States. Should I have my international transcripts evaluated prior to applying?

Yes, international coursework must be evaluated by one of the following companies:

About LLU

What is campus life like?

Visit the Campus and Spiritual Life page to review campus resources, student awards, and student organizations.

What about student housing and dining?

View Student Housing to see housing policies and dining options.

Is LLU a faith-based institution?

Yes. Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The mission of the School of Pharmacy is to educate and train pharmacists within a Christian environment so that they can become caring, competent, health care professionals.

Do I have to be a Seventh-day Adventist to apply?

Applicants of all faiths are welcome to apply.