We offer two dual-degree programs

Earn a master's degree at the same time as a doctorate of pharmacy (PharmD) through partnerships with Loma Linda University School of Religion and School of Allied Health Professions.

Please note separate applications to both programs are required.

PharmD + MA in Bioethics

Masters of Arts in Bioethics – School of Religion

The Master of Arts in Bioethics is a degree program designed to accommodate LLU students enrolled in the doctor of pharmacy program who wish to gain additional skills in the field of biomedical and clinical ethics. Students in the School of Pharmacy are eligible to apply for dual admission to the MA in Bioethics program, during which time, they can take the MA in Bioethics concurrently with their primary degree in Pharmacy. The bioethics dual degree will enhance ethical sensitivity, problem-solving skills, professional awareness, job opportunities, critical thinking and prepare the student for advancement in the field of healthcare. Further, it epitomizes inter-professional education, as the dual degree pharmacy students are placed in seminars with students from across the campus, including, but not limited to, the disciplines of medicine, dentistry and nursing who are also enrolled in the dual degree program. 

  • 2-year program
  • Start in PY2 year
  • Minimum 3.3 GPA
  • For SP students interested in being healthcare pharmaceutical ethicists

MA Bioethics

Job Opportunities: Hospital/Health-Systems bioethics coordinator, pharmaceutical Industry, government, teaching pharmacy and healthcare ethics in a school of pharmacy/medicine/nursing, legal consulting with law firms on ethics matters, executive director of a state board of pharmacy/regulatory agency

PharmD + MS in Health Informatics

Masters of Science in Health Informatics – School of Allied Health Professions

Due to both internal and external forces, the healthcare industry has dramatically increased its reliance on technology in the delivery of patient care. Internally, healthcare administrators are finding it necessary to employ technology to manage resources and deliver patient care in an effective and efficient manner while ensuring quality. One health care discipline experiencing intensive migration of technology into the workflow processes is pharmacy. Today’s pharmacist, must not only harness volumes of pharmaceutical knowledge, but develop appreciable technological intelligence as well. Inventory management for costly drugs, data analytics for drug usage, and utilization of robotics are examples of importance informatics is placing on today’s pharmacist. 

  • 3-year program
  • Start in PY1 year for those with evidence of course work in informatics or start in PY2 year
  • Minimum 3.5 GPA
  • For SP students interested streamlining patient care and outcomes while enhancing efficiency and accuracy in the administration of medications

MS Health Informatics

Job Opportunities: Health informatics pharmacist in a health system, managed care pharmacist; pharmaceutical industry analytics, health technology companies; Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), corporate quality assurance for community pharmacy practice