Michelle Safier, PharmD
By School of Pharmacy - October 14, 2024

Today, we're shining a spotlight on Michelle Safier, PharmD, BCOP, APH, Manager of LLUH Oncology Pharmacy, Director of the PGY2 Oncology Pharmacy Residency Program, and Assistant Professor in LLUSP's Department of Pharmacy Practice.

"I was recruited to Loma Linda University Medical Center in 1997 to justify an oncology clinical pharmacy specialist position and remained in that role for over 15 years before transitioning to an administrative role. Currently, I manage all areas of oncology pharmacy, including pediatric and adult, inpatient and outpatient. I have been the Residency Program Director for the LLU PGY2 Oncology Pharmacy Residency Program since 2010 and have coordinated the Oncology Course at the Loma Linda School of Pharmacy since 2016.

I encourage all pharmacists to find their passion. I truly enjoy what I do: serving patients and oncology teams, solving problems and providing education. Oncology is constantly evolving, so I learn something new every day."